
Jasmin Pourhassan

Jasmin Pourhassan, Vienna Sport Scientist + Human Physiologist In summary, the HRV Analyser NILAS MV represents a significant advancement in HRV analysis technology, offering unparalleled accuracy, reliability, and convenience for…
Petra Wauer

Petra Wauer

Petra Wauer Schaafheim Certified specialist nurse, Registered natural health practitioner Since 2016, I have been working with the HRV diagnostics of Nilas MV in my practice. I use the HRV…
Dra. Med Ursula Eder

Ursula Eder

Dr. med. Ursula Eder Dachau Physician We complementary medical practitioners operate in two worlds that have unfortunately still not really found their way together: On the one hand in the…

Paul Kobel

Paul Kobel Meilen (Switzerland) Naturopath DPS I have been working in my naturopathic practice on Lake Zurich for 23 years and with NILAS MV for 3 years. The measurements are…

Susanne Lukas

Dr. med. Susanne Lukas Schwabmünchen Physician Our patients are increasingly in a state of vegetative imbalance. Being able to identify these states of exhaustion both in the laboratory and via…

Christian W. Engelbert

Christian W. Engelbert M.A. Berlin Specialised in General Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Naturopathy Since 2016, I have been using the Nilas-MV system for analysing the autonomic nervous system on a daily…

Bertold Hilss

Bertold Hilss Lahr Registered natural health practitioner Nilas MV is particularly characterised by its comprehensibility and straightforward handling. The chart-based evaluation functions can very quickly show the patient his or…